sorceress Snake - Player's Mate March - Part II
Malia Snake: Who owns this characteristic has a view that can disrupt or subject it to those who will find even worse fate. The power of the gaze it can enchant, bewitch or even, in its most powerful, turn into stone . Who owns it can freely decide how and whether to use it, and who may suffer in presenting instead a conflict between the highest and coldness or if the Will has a feature that enables him to use magic.
If the power is used to enchant , in case of defeat in the conflict, the victim will fall into a trance, which lasted one minute to the point of failure. If, however, someone or something as close to the victim abruptly, as if to attack, this will not be helpless, but will have a penalty to all its Board of Directors equal to 1 / 3 of the value for which he failed rounded down and a number of seconds available to act the same as those normally available to it reduced by 1 for every 4 points of the conflict which has broken, rounded up.
If the power is used to bewitch who have this feature should be a penalty of -8 to it for the conflict. If the victim loses conflict will be forced to obey the orders of those who has just haunted, but if it will make wounded another conflict with a bonus equal to the number of PV of damage suffered. If he had also asked to do something obviously harmful to himself or the spell will be broken, however, should be afforded a new conflict with a bonus full-bodied decided by the Master of the Game to make it persist.
If the power is used to turn into stone who have this feature should be a penalty of -20 to it for the conflict. If successful in the conflict by del'utente of this feature that will persist penalty reduced by 1 every day until it is canceled.
If successful you will need to focus their gaze on the target as long as it would not be totally petrified, this is not possible if the spell is broken and regresses at the speed at which it was developing. This speed is measured in the following way: Each round the victim suffers cumulative Agility equal to half the value for which the conflict has lost rounded down. Since beginning the petrification of the way now can not walk anymore, and when the penalty will be reduced Agility key feature that less than half can no longer even use their arms. This power is very
challenging and where those who use it should be defeated in the conflict for 6 or more points will be subject to stunning with a maximum penalty equal to what the failure was more than 6 points.
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