URRLOWL YOUNG LEVEL 1: PV: 120, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 11
FOR: 33 AB: 11 AG: 15 RI: 12 RE: 24 PE: 10 IN: 6 SA: 5 FR: 13 VO: 3 AC: 11 BE: 10
Fighting: 11, throwing stones: 11, Issue sounds-splitting eardrums: 12
allocation natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (5d6 + 3/3/35/po0)
Fists (5d6 +3/3/50 / po2)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
YOUNG URRLOWL LEVEL 2: PV: 125, Protection: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 13
FOR: 33 AB: 11 AG: 16 RI: 13 RE: 25 EP: 10 IN: 6 SA: 5 FR: 13 VO: 3 AC: 11 BE: 10
Fighting: 13, throwing stones: 11, Issue sounds-splitting eardrums: 13
allocation natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (5d6 +3/3/35 / po0)
Fists (5d6 +3/3/50 / po2 )
Equipment: 2 Peter (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
YOUNG URRLOWL LEVEL 3: PV: 125, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 13
FOR: 34 AB: 11 AG: 16 RI: 13 RE: 25 PE: 10 IN: 6 SA: 5 FR: 13 VO: 3 AC: 11 BE: 10
Fighting: 13, throwing stones: 12, Issue sounds-splitting eardrums: 13
allocation natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15) Bite (5d6 +3/3/35 / po0) Fisting (5d6 +3/3/50 / po2)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
YOUNG URRLOWL LEVEL 4: PV : 130, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 14
FOR: 35 AB: 11 AG: 17 RI: 13 RE: 26 EP: 10 IN: 6 SA: 5 FR: 13 VO: 3 AC: 11 BE: 10
Fighting: 14, throwing stones: 12, Emit sound-splitting eardrums: 14
allocation natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (5d6 +3/3/35 / po0) Fisting (5d6 +3/3/50 / po2)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
YOUNG URRLOWL LEVEL 5: PV: 130, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 15
FOR: 36 AB: 11 AG: 17 RI: 13 RE: 26 PE: 10 IN: 6 SA: 5 FR: 13 VO: 3 AC: 11 BE: 10
Fighting: 15, throwing stones: 14, Issue sounds-splitting eardrums: 14
allocation natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (5d6 + 3/3/35/po0) Fisting (5d6 +3/3/50 / po2)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
YOUNG URRLOWL LEVEL 6: PV: 135, Secure : 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 17
FOR: 37 AB: 11 AG: 18 RI: 13 RE: 27 EP: 10 IN: 6 SA: 5 FR: 13 VO: 3 AC: 11 BE: 10
Fighting: 17, stones throw: 15, Issue timpani-splitting sounds: 15
allocation natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (5d6 +3/3/35 / po0) Fisting (5d6 +3/3/50 / po2)
Equipment : 2 stone (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch the bear level 1, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing
YOUNG URRLOWL LEVEL 7: PV: 135, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 18
FOR: 37 AB: 11 AG: 18 RI: 14 RE: 27 EP: 10 IN: 6 SA: 5 FR: 13 VO: 3 AC: 11 BE: Fighting
10: 18, throwing stones: 15, Issue sounds -splitting eardrums: 15
allocation natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (5d6 +3/3/35 / po0) Fisting (5d6 +3/3/50 / po2)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4 / 2/65/7p)
Techniques: Catch the bear level 1, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing
YOUNG URRLOWL LEVEL 8: PV: 140, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 18
FOR: 38 AB: 11 AG: 19 RI: 14 RE: 28 EP: 10 IN: 6 SA: 5 FR: 13 VO: 3 AC: 11 BE: 10
Fighting: 18, Fling stones: 16, Issue sounds-splitting eardrums: 16
allocation natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (5d6 +3/3/35 / po0) Fisting (5d6 +3/3/50 / po2)
Equipment: 2 Peter (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch Bear Level 2, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing, +1 damage
URRLOWL LEVEL 5: PV: 210, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 19
FOR: 50 AB: 10 AG: 15 RI: 13 RE: 42 EP: 9 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 19, throwing stones: 17 , Hear-timpani sounds breaks: 17, Issue roars Sonic: 15 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch Bear Level 2, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing, +1 damage
URRLOWL LEVEL 6: PV: 215, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 19
FOR: 51 AB: 10 AG: 15 RI: 14 RE: 43 EP: 9 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 19, throwing stones: 17, Issue timpani-splitting sounds: 18, Issue roars Sonic: 16 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch Bear Level 3, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, FO vs FO / MA / RI, crushing, +1 damage
URRLOWL LEVEL 7: PV: 220, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 20
FOR: 51 AB: 10 AG: 16 RI: 14 RE: 44 PE : 9 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 CA 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 20, throwing stones: 18, Issue timpani-splitting sounds: 18, Issue roars Sonic: 17 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch Bear Level 3, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, ST vs. ST / AG / RI, crushing, +1 damage
URRLOWL LEVEL 8: PV: 225, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 22
FOR: 53 AB: 10 AG: 16 RI: 14 RE: 45 EP: 9 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 22, throwing stones: 20, Issue timpani-splitting sounds: 19, Issue sonic roars: 17
natural amenities: Fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques : Catch the bear liv.4, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing, +2 damage
staccatesta socket level 1, TdP: 3, TdR: 3, vs. FO FO / AG +8, victory requires a minimum of around +6, bite damage (6d6 +4/3/30 / po0) to the head
URRLOWL LEVEL 9: PV: 225, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 23
FOR: 51 AB: 11 AG: 17 RI: 14 RE: 45 EP: 10 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 23, throwing stones: 20, Issue splitting sounds timpani-20, Issue sonic roars: 18
Natural endowment: Fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p )
Techniques: Catch the bear liv.5, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing, +2 damage
Socket staccatesta Level 2, TdP: 3, TdR: 3, ST vs ST / AG +8, victory requires a minimum of around +6, bite damage (7d6 +4/3/30 / po0) to the head
URRLOWL LEVEL 10: PV: 230, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO : 24
FOR: 53 AB: 11 AG: 17 RI: 14 RE: 46 EP: 10 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 24, throwing stones: 21, emit sound-splitting eardrums: 21, Issue roars Sonic: 19 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4 / 2 / 65/7p)
Techniques: Catch the bear liv.6, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing, +3 damage Level 3 staccatesta
socket, TdP: 3, TdR : 3, vs. FO FO / AG +8, victory requires a minimum of around +6, bite damage (7d6 +4/3/30 / po0) to the head
URRLOWL LEVEL 12: PV: 240, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 26
FOR: 54 AB: 11 AG: 18 RI: 15 RE: 48 EP: 10 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 26, Fling stones: 22, Issue splitting sounds-drums; 22, Issue roars Sonic: 21 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch the bear liv.8, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing, +3 damage
Socket staccatesta liv.5, TdP : 3, TdR: 3, vs. FO FO / AG +8, victory requires a minimum of around +6, bite damage (8d6 +4/3/30 / po0) to the head
URRLOWL LEVEL 14: PV: 245 , Protection: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 29
FOR: 56 AB: 11 AG: 19 RI: 15 RE: 49 EP: 10 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting : 29, throwing stones: 25, Issue sound-splitting eardrums: 24, Issue roars Sonic: 22 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
Equipment : 2 stone (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch the bear liv.10, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crush, +4 to damage
Socket staccatesta liv.7, TdP: 3, TdR: 3, vs. FO FO / AG +8, victory requires a minimum of around +6, bite damage (9d6 +4/3/30 / po0) to the head
URRLOWL LEVEL 16: PV: 255, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 31
FOR: 57 AB: 11 AG: 20 RI: 16 RE: 51 EP: 10 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 31, Fling stones: 26, Issue timpani-splitting sounds: 25, Issue roars Sonic: 24 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch the bear liv.12, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing, +5 Taking damage
staccatesta liv.9, TdP: 3, TdR: 3, vs. FO FO / AG +8, victory requires a minimum of around +6, bite damage (10d6 +4/3/30 / po0) to the head
URRLOWL LEVEL 18: PV: 260, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 33
FOR: 58 AB: 11 AG: 22 RI: 16 RE: 52 EP: 10 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR: 20 VO : 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 33, throwing stones: 28, Issue timpani-splitting sounds: 27, Issue roars Sonic: 25 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3 / 3/60/po3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch the bear liv.12, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing , +5 damage
Socket staccatesta liv.11, TdP: 3, TdR: 3, vs. FO FO / AG +8, victory requires a minimum of around +6, bite damage (11d6 +4/3/30 / po0 ) to the head
URRLOWL LEVEL 19: PV: 265, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 34
FOR: 59 AB: 11 AG: 22 RI: 16 RE: 53 EP: 10 IN: 9 AG: 8 FR : 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 34, throwing stones: 29, Issue timpani-splitting sounds: 27, Issue roars Sonic: 26 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4/3/40 / po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch the bear liv.12, TdP: 0, TdR: 0, vs. FO FO / AG / RI, crushing, +5 damage
Socket staccatesta liv.12, TdP: 3, TdR: 3, vs. FO FO / AG +8, victory requires a minimum of around +6, bite damage (11d6 +4 / 3 / 30/po0) to the head
URRLOWL LEVEL 20: PV: 270, Secure: 5 +2 MAX15, SO: 36
FOR: 59 AB: 11 AG: 23 RI: 17 RE: 54 EP: 10 IN: 9 AG : 8 FR: 20 VO: 6 AC: 12 BE: 11
Fighting: 36, throwing stones: 30, Issue timpani-splitting sounds: 28, Issue roars Sonic: 27 Equipment
natural fur (5 +2 xMAX15), Bite (6d6 +4 / 3 / 40/po0) Fisting (7d6 +3/3/60 / PO3)
features: 2 stones (7d6 +4/2/65 / 7p)
Techniques: Catch the bear liv.12, TdP: 0, TdR 0, vs. FO FO / MA / RI, crushing, +5 damage
Socket staccatesta liv.12, TdP: 3, TdR: 3, vs. FO FO / AG +8, victory requires a minimum of around +6, damage bite (11d6 +4/3/30 / po0) to the head
fundamental characteristic | Nuts & Bonus base | Bonuses fundamental characteristics depending on the level of PNG | |||||||||||||||||||
1 2 3 | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | ||||||||
Force | 3d8 +26 +30 | +31 +31 +33 | +33 +34 +34 | +36 +34 +36 | +35 +37 +37 | +39 +39 +40 | +40 +41 +42 | +42 | |||||||||||||
Ability | 2d8 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 | +1 +1 +1 | +1 +1 +1 | +1 +1 +1 | +1 | +1 +1 | ||||||||||||
Agility | 2d8 +0 +2 +2 | +3 +3 +4 | +4 +5 +5 | +6 +6 +7 | +7 +8 +9 | +8 | +9 +10 +11 | +11 +12 | |||||||||||||
Reflections | 2d8 +2 +2 +3 | +3 +3 +3 | +4 +4 +4 | +4 +4 +5 | +5 +5 +5 | +5 +6 +6 | +6 +6 +7 | ||||||||||||||
Resistance | 3d8 +22 +25 +26 | +27 +28 +28 | +29 +30 +31 | +31 +32 +33 | +34 +34 +35 | +36 +37 +37 | +38 +39 +40 | ||||||||||||||
2d8 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +1 +1 | + 1 | +1 +1 +1 | +1 +1 +1 | +1 +1 +1 | ||||||||||||||
Intelligence | 1d8 +4 +4 | +4 +4 +4 | +4 +4 +4 | +4 +4 +4 | + 4 | +4 +4 +4 | +4 +4 +4 | +4 +4 +4 | |||||||||||||
Wisdom | 2d8-1 | - 1 | -1 -1 -1 | -1 -1 -1 | -1 -1 -1 | -1 -1 | -1 -1 -1 | -1 -1 -1 | -1 -1 | ||||||||||||
Coldness | 2d8 +12 +12 +12 | +12 +12 +12 | +12 +12 +12 | +12 +12 +12 | +12 +12 +12 | + 12 | +12 +12 +12 | +12 +12 | |||||||||||||
Will | 2d8 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 | +0 +0 +0 |
Feature | CdB depends | level feature based on the level of PNG | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | ||||||
Fighting | AGx2 FOx2 RI | 1 2 | 3 4 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 8 9 | 10 11 12 | 13 | 14 14 15 | 16 17 18 | |||||||||||
throw stones | FOx2 AG PE AB | 1 1 2 | 3 4 | 4 5 6 | 6 7 8 | 8 9 10 | 11 | 11 | 12 | 13 13 14 | |||||||||||
emit sound-splitting eardrums | 2d8 +4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 4 5 | 5 | 6 7 8 | 8 9 10 | 11 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 14 15 | ||||||||
emettere ruggiti sonic | 2d8 +2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 5 6 | 6 | 7 8 9 | 10 10 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 14 15 16 |
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