Illustration and original concept of Cecilia Hernandez |
tribes occasional lizard-men are led by great warriors who are charismatic remembered beyond their death, and whose bones are preserved as relics. In particular, their skull or what remains of it is usually placed on top of the senior staff of command of the shaman of the tribe. But if the tribe survives long enough for the deeds of the hero who had guided him to become legend among his people and if one of his descendants are willing to sacrifice for the good of the tribe and held by shamans strong and brave enough to do it, the hero can be enabled to return to lead his fellow men, surrounded by a halo of respect, reverence and power that has no equal among those granted by his race.
From physical point of view the hero returned Lucerta lizard looks like a normal man who wears the skull of his such as a mask and headgear. The body covered with tattoos and complex geometric paintings, and his eyes gouged out, which leaves a colorful but basically reddish haze that surrounds the creature, and stretches like a snake nearby.
The hero returned Lucerta is a powerful leader and is rarely met without a retinue of skilled and seasoned warriors lucerti, but is himself a very skilled fighter if not exceptional, which is not exempt confrontation but rather participates in fury, armed with supernatural abilities gained from the Ritual of Return and its status as a quasi-deity.
personal affront the enemy warriors, starting with the head or those who can not do him any harm, because of inadequate weapons, as the mist snake attacks or other magicians rivals nearby .
His stock does not interfere in the clashes in which the hero is confronted with a single opponent in melee, but involves attacking or targeting shooters, magic users and those who prove to overwhelm by force of numbers.
As all entities now outside the world of the living when the body that houses it is reduced to 0 hit points the ritual that had brought to life the hero is broken and he returns to live in his skull.
Hero Lucerta return is not a natural creature, and to allow him to continue to manifest itself and keep its powers is necessary to sacrifice five victims humanoid every new moon since his return to life.
The Ritual of Return is a complex ritual that requires the work of a shaman and four assistants in preparation for a full moon, a number of sacrificial victims to the table in the Ritual of Power and the Return key, a descendant of 'hero amputee who will be the nose and eyes gouged out by imposing a test of wills that if failure ruin the whole ritual.
In most cases, a tribe of lucerti is going to bring back his hero or is very large and fierce, and is preparing for major wars or raids or is seriously threatened, and the hero is the last attempt to secure the survival .
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