Dastan in Prince of Persia is a great example of the Prince of Beggars |
The road is an excellent teacher of life but very selective. Teaches us not to trust those who offer you something without apparently his advantage, that the good win only in fairy tales and that many men have a stone where your heart and do not know but know how to exploit the mercy of others, and classify it as a weakness and not as a virtue. But the greatest lesson that the road offers dell'accattone education is that those who make mistakes and pay in the Land of the Dunes where the life of a beggar is not worth anything, even those who pay with their lives is sometimes still liable.
Just as a prince among the subjects of his kingdom a reputation second only to that of the king as the principles of the beggars have, in the courts of seedy criminals and proletarians, a reputation slightly lower than that of the Lord of monkeys as Mendicanti.Agili and able to lie so much as they are breathing they participate in any activities, mainly illegal, which could lead them profit, provided that this gain is not done at the expense of the outcasts who do not already have little or nothing. In the end it is always the principles with a certain reputation. All the principles
know how to use daggers and knives, like jugglers, but some of them are also trained to fight with swords or other edged weapons curves. But, whatever the size of the weapon, the way they fight is right and misleading as the way they do.
swirling Style: addressing a prince of beggars that possesses this characteristic is very different than fighting against most opponents: this style is in fact a mixture of acrobatics and unpredictable actions so that a round of battle against those who use holding a sword and a dagger could lead to an opponent who had a violent punch in the face or has been overcome by an incredible jump and shot in the back or saw Prince slip between his legs and he caught a stab at ' groin. And there are only examples. Who owns this style does not fight in a way that could be described as traditional and that many purists would call a little fighting Mr.
The style also includes the characteristic swirling Brawl.
Malus -l 'opponent has a rating of reflections greater than that of the user's style Agility: -4
-l' opponent has already faced a fighter who uses this style: -4
-l 'opponent a Board of more than 20 Agility: -1
-l 'opponent does not use a sword: -2
-l' opponent uses an offensive weapon with a range greater than 2: -1
-l 'opponent has a weapon with TdA Like the slower (with more TdA) user of the technique: -1
-l 'opponent has a weapon with less than TdA slower (with more TdA) user of the technique: -3
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